Runaway Robot T-Shirt

Robot T-shirt Blog

I sometimes like to randomly sketch things and recently I started sketching a robot. I rather likely it, but could think of no real use for it at the time. Then the weather started getting warmer and I started to think about t-shirts. I did pick up some on sale at Uniqlo, but I really like having uncommon t-shirts when possible so I went ahead and did a runaway robot t-shirt design. I was considering making the custom shirt myself, but I do not have the space to set up a decent silk-screening rig and it would be kind of excessive for one or two shirts anyway. There are also heat transfer ink-jet appliqués but they tend not to be durable enough and as none of the decent ones I have used in the past are available here in Japan I wasn’t super-enthusiatic about it. I went online looking for a custom printing service that would both print for a decent price and ship to Japan. That is actually a relatively difficult combination. I even tried Uniqlo’s custom shirt site but their online tools sucked and it was not possible to get the logo at the right size and location using their tool (regardless of image resolution). Eventually I settled on one of the mainstream customization services. I found some discounts for them online so I got a shirt for a decent price. I just have to wait and see how my t-shirt actually looks!


2 thoughts on “Runaway Robot T-Shirt”

  1. I totally dig the design! I hope it turns out. Too bad you don’t have space for a silk screening set up. I loved the shirt you printed for me so many moons ago.

    1. That does have to be something like 200 moons… I do like silk screening but it is really too much work in general for a few shirts 😉 I used to print quite a few shirts, and even the occasional pair of bike tights!

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