[New Chapter Spoilers] Volume 34 Extra Pages RELEASE "The Ancient Magus' Bride" Season 2 New Key Visual. She then revealed that what the Computer Club was doing could be called cheating. Forming Akatsuki alongside his friends (and fellow war orphans) Yahiko and Konan, Nagato dreamed of bringing peace to the violent shinobi world. The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina Episode 00, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Character Song Vol. If I don't move in by tomorrow evening (that is, by. (JP) Akuryou no Yakata by Reito Nikaidou, 52. She otherwise demonstrates minimal initiative, extending to her method of decorating her apartment (she didn't before The Disappearance) and her lack of engagement in Literature Club activities, at least in her first year at North High. Mikuru also noted that Nagato was upset about Kyon not staying with her in the library, and told Kyon to apologize. Sometime later, during the Second Shinobi World War, Nagato and his parents took shelter in their home to avoid the fighting going on around them. (JP)(*3) Oedipus Shoukougun by Kiyoshi Kasai, 34. Shy, sweet Nagato is no more. Ryouko objects to Nagato regarding her as a mother-figure or teacher, but nonetheless involves herself in virtually every aspect of Nagato's life, fearing that she will unable to cope without her protection and instruction. As a thought entity, the Data Integration Thought Entity can manipulate quantum information, but not create it. A stoic girl who seems almost alien has replaced her. She also behaves in a manner which would please Haruhi (such as telling her that her cooking was "delicious" or setting up a mystery in Mystrique Sign). Attaching names is a new concept and progress. Forget the name of the category but there's a name for it. Nagato is an extremely skilled hacker. While she could have stopped it, she didn't because her role was strictly to observe Haruhi. Kyon's answer to Nagato's question ending with him saying he didn't have a belly fetish is a variation to what he said to the then-recently lost her glasses Nagato (that he didn't have a glasses fetish) in Melancholy IV. (He did so a second time, even after apologizing.). How could one outsmart a tracking implant? However, what if that choice wasn't given to him? Nagato froze time inside the room, while time outside the room continued to move as normal, such that no time passed for Kyon and Asahina. (JP) Ouroboros no Gisho by Kenji Takemoto, 4. For instance, she appeared unable to obtain a library card without Kyon's help. Nagato rarely wears anything beyond her school uniform unless instructed to, even on weekends, though she's been known to wear more casual clothes during vacations (e.g. If he was going to revived young why not just have BZ force kid Nagato to do it and Madara could have solo'd the ninja world and took the bijuu without Obito. (JP)(I) Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami, 37. While it takes naruto a few hours to heal his wounds Yuki nagato it takes her not even a minit to heal her wounds. You trying to kill the poor man? It only takes a minute to sign up. Ryoko defends Nagato, stabbing him with a knife. In a desire to have a Summer break that never ends, a closed time bubble was created so that the last month of Summer vacation would repeat, and everyone's memories were reset. As the series progresses, Yuki-chan develops a friendship with Kyon as she attempts to confess to him, which leads me to believe that the series is non-canon, as the following conversation takes place in Disappearance shortly after Kyon finds himself in the alternate universe (around 3:17 in the link): "Nagato, tell me do you know who I am? Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Yuki N., Kyon - Chapters: 18 - Words . (JP)(I) Crape o Nido Kueba by Tori.Miki, 9. Its plot is basically separated from that of the original series, so it can be watched independently with almost full plot comprehension. Nagato seems to have "odd" food requirements. Yuki Nagato can change the world. I mean she can bend time to do what she wants. Now, let's be clear. "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Endless Eight I". Yuki herself is basically a completely different character, although there is the odd hint here and there of what her main-series self is like. She was able to determine why "Michuru" thought her behavior was disturbing when Michiru stayed over at her apartment overnight, also commenting that Michiru's analysis was wrong. the Nagato Yuki here is not either version of the main Haruhi world's version - while she's also she and lonesome as the movie Disappearance version, she's not as shy and closed up as that version and there's a measure of Moe-fication. In an alternate universe, shy, awkward Yuki Nagato attempts to court her crush, Kyon, with the help of her best friend and neighbor, the perky and indomitable Ryoko Asakura. The Three Coffins by John Dickson Carr, 19. Kyon even noted that she doesn't blink often (in The Sigh) or simply stares into space. Closed. WHERE code='data' As an ethereal being it cannot communicate with humans directly, and has thus made several avatars on Earth, because humans have achieved a certain level of self awareness. She can modify human memories, an ability she revealed in The Disappearance, when she told Kyon that if he'd known what she was going to do, she would have removed his memories. Kyon threatens to have Haruhi turn her power against the Overmind if Nagato is taken away. She tells him he should go to the meeting, and theorizes that Watahashi will assist him in some manner. As mentioned earlier, Nagato is the SOS Brigade's resident alien. At first glance, she appears to be an introverted, taciturn bibliophile. Nagato had actually used her powers to rewrite the world and take away all supernatural elements surrounding Haruhi, not just create an alternate universe, and she reverts the change at the end of the story, erasing Disappearance Yuki and the rest of the Disappearance SOS Brigade from existence. After synching herself with present Nagato to get a better grasp on the situation, she leads them to a bedroom and tells them go to sleep. Yuki is well known as the "mascot" of Mudae. At the time, Madara was the only human in history who managed to awaken the Rinnegan. Let's start with the mundane skill. (JP) Kanpon Kokui Densetsu by Ken Asamatsu, 14. Don't get in my way! How to tell if my LLC's registered agent has resigned? The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham, 60. (JP)(I) Soutou no Akuma by Arisu Arisugawa, 5. This is in spite of her often demonstrated interest in human activities. And like many otaku's, if left to her own devices she probably won't bother to make anything to eat, so when Asakura-mama is around she tends to get spoiled for food. However, enjoyment of the characters and their actions might requires familiarity with the source material because the much of the show's appeal stems from gap moe, in which a perceived difference or contradiction in a person's behavior or action (i.e. In another instance, showing how Nagato doesn't experience time like we do, Haruhi had created a time loop that no one knew about. Until the Disappearance arc, Nagato has the ability to transport her consciousness through time by "synchronization"; however, she herself blocks this off after the arc in order to prevent errors and give her more options for the future. Yuki is seen reading this book at the library in episode 5. Early in the series Yuki and Haruhi are largely indifferent to each other. The different Yuki Nagato in the alternated world is a normal human being capable of showing off emotions. Yuki Nagato is very short for her "age" compared to the rest of her friends. He asks about Kuyou Suou, learning that her faction had orchestrated the Snow Mountain Syndrome, and that she was interested in Haruhi Suzumiya but that wasn't necessarily her primary purpose. The Murder of My Aunt by Richard Hull, 24. HAVING terminate_mode". In the book it's more of a psuedoscience, as it doesn't exactly get the finer details right, but that isn't important. Rated T for some adult situations. Nagato also has a childlike dependence on Ryouko Asakura for her physical and emotional needs. For example, Kyon calls her "Nagato", as opposed to how he calls Haruhi Suzumiya by her given name (Haruhi) and Mikuru Asahina by her surname with honorific (Asahina-san). Two parallel diagonal lines on a Schengen passport stamp, Books in which disembodied brains in blue fluid try to enslave humanity. The Bishop Murder Case by SS van Dine, 45. When Kyon met Nagato in year -3, she looked exactly the same as "now", except for some qualities of facial expression. Though, after this incident, she voluntarily put limits on her abilities. (JP) Kane nara Kaesen! She is the alien member of the SOS Brigade- a humanoid interface created by the Data Overmind and considered by Kyon to be the most reliable and trustworthy member of the group. Haruhi plans to take the SOS Brigade to visit Nagato every day after school. (JP)(I) Kisou, Ten o Ugokasu by Souji Shimada, 75. According to Yuki Nagato, she was created three years prior to meeting Kyon and Haruhi, with the purpose of observing humanity and its ability to evolve in intelligence, and more importantly, Haruhi Suzumiya and the data flare that she created around that time. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, 63. Nagato had to dissolve the barrier to take action. She demonstrated difficulty in drawing pictures of faces in Snow Mountain Syndrome. Rather it's a collection of minds with different roles and functions working together to perform a much larger function, not unlike how computer programs work. Hi Haruhi. How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? I was too late. Also, in the light novels (Mystrique Sign), Kyon thought that Koizumi and she made a good combination, and if they went out for walks together, that would make them good. When was the term directory replaced by folder? The problem here is that Nagato is an entirely different character than she was in any of the original series content. In order to ensure her safety as a vulnerable human, Nagato also altered Ryoko to be her loyal defender, protecting her from both physical and emotional threats by any means necessary. In the prologue to The Intrigues of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyon and Asahina (small) meet with Nagato in order to resolve the time loop situation from the end of The Disappearance. Yuki is commonly known by her surname Nagato without any honorific (which is not unusual). (JP)(I) Mousou Shizen Kagaku Nyuumon by Suzune Kikukawa, 49. By: rick777. Yuki Nagato is a humanoid interface with the appearance of an ordinary North High student. at the start of the episode, when Asakura went into the classroom to wake Nagato up, she said she'd "use a painful method to wake her up", which is why Kyon followed with "just use a normal method"; the method used was basically "hair crown poke" - poking where there's the least hair / most exposed, at the crown / swirl of the hair. As shown in Live Alive, Nagato seems to be able to memorize a piece of music by looking at it once. "So, would you by chance want to move down a couple floors?". Nagato can manipulate "chance", such as determining who takes the "long straw", as demonstrated in The Intrigues. Ryouko is being really blatant in trying to push Kyon and Yuki together, while the deliberately-obtuse boy is being his normal self. Yuki simply behaves around Haruhi in accordance with her mission, always following Haruhi's orders without question and giving her full access to Literary Club resources and funds. The show's existence is in itself a spoiler for The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, so anyone who hasn't seen the movie/read the book yet has been warned. You see so closer towards the end of The Disappearnce of Haruhi Suzumiya movie. I didn't even notice the gradient until you pointed it out! As shown in Endless Eight, Yuki Nagato has the ability to remember things that are supposed to be erased by being a part of the Data Overmind. She can sense other data organisms and all manners of strange phenomena, but the ability is not infallible. rev2023.1.18.43175. The one thing that really is certain though, is that Haruhi Suzumiya is behind all three incidents, even if she doesn't know it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Basically, all of time, forward and backwards, outside of this month long cycle didn't exist. How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording? Honorifics will not be used as to make this article accessible to as many readers as possible. Maybe I should head out to Boston Chicken or something. It is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters. Koizumi is an esper whose powers awakened three years ago along with countless others. (JP) Umi o miru Hito by Yasumi Kobayashi, 81. It's a part, but the relationship between Nagato and Mikuru goes deeper than that. Nagato came to Kyon's defence and what was witnessed was two aliens with the same powers fighting each other. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. To be honest, I did limit myself in one way. Yes, Yuki Nagato is more powerful than God. He still maintains all of his memories, but seems no one else has. I instantly went to resident life to see if I could sort out the situation. She used to wear glasses but stopped after Kyon told her she looked better without them. Nagato could "intuit" data she had collected from a damaged advanced computer. And once again. Previously a member of the Literary Club, Yuki is the third person to join the SOS Brigade. In The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya, Nagato injected nanomachines into Mikuru via bite to prevent her from using the Mikuru Beam. [Nagato-chan spoilers]Most anticipated of course is the onsen trip then rollercoaster into Disappearance, with the ED visual morphs, while this is a separate and different world, the event times are equivalent, in that we only start seeing the story after the first year. Haruhi's ability extends beyond that though. But forget everything you know, because I'm about to explain why a high school girl is actually the most powerful character in anime. It is never stated, but I support the theory that after/while fixing time, Nagato fabricated memories for everyone so that it worked. On Friday, Kyon receives a note from Watahashi, but is worried it is a trap, because of how he was nearly killed by Ryoko Asakura. Yuki-chan lets viewers see the normally stoic Nagato express her feelings as a normal, shy girl, and without this contrast the show turns into another "cute girls doing cute things" anime - not that there's anything wrong with those. Her appearance in this spinoff is based on the alternate Nagato from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. She had hacked the game and found that they were playing special copies of the game that allowed them all sorts of advantages, from seeing the entire map to being able to teleport to behind SOS Brigade members. also same reason Nagato first met Kyon in the library, again he helped her got her library card (minus Haruhi's involvement), which means a fair amount of time had elapsed and Nagato still had not managed to thank Kyon. She declares Nagato a member of the Brigade, having come with the room. After trying every single club their high school offers, she decides to create her own club and eventually her and Kyon are joined by Yuki Nagato, Mikuru Asahina, and Itsuki Koizumi to form the SOS Brigade, a club devoted entirely to appeasing Haruhi's boredom. (JP)(I) Sokonuke Choutaisaku by Eiga Hihou Henshuubu, 96. In The Dissociation she stated that she would protect the rest of the SOS Brigade, but Kyon said "having no concern for yourself is behavior I absolutely will not allow.". How to automatically classify a sentence or text based on its context? Alien Nagato changed the universe and 'died' that exact moment giving birth to human Nagato. She can discern body temperature, detect directions, sense laser beams and subatomic particles and even determine their mass. (JP) Fukkatsusai no Tame no Requiem by Chihiro Arai, 23. Following the confrontation, Nagato is removed from her post facilitating communication between the Data Overmind and Sky Canopy Domain as the level of communication that could be sustained was insufficient. She was able to program Mikuru's TPDD through touch. Nagato declines, declaring that her self-control mechanism will be unable to be stable after ten years, but remains curious about Nakagawa. Wonder how bad her eyesight without her glasses? Asakura, great shipper of the two halves. So Nagato is essentially the physical representation of an intergalactic computer program that permeates the universe, and how she wound up joining the SOS Brigade. The first time, they were fighting in data jurisdiction space, the second time she erased Asakura in The Intrigues. To be totally honest, I am struggling a little bit for time to host this rewatch this year, but I think we do have a few keen people so I decided to give it a go anyway. ---- by -- (written in decipherable language), 89. (JP) Alien Youzanki by Hideyuki Kikuchi, 20. He asks Nagato about Yasumi Watahashi. telling her not to do dishes, as she was a guest) and spent a night staring at her. What happens in the end of The Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi? She later stated (in The Disappearance) that she could not leave it unattended while it was in this state. Nagato can create a barrier which renders people invisible and inaudible. [Spoiler for Haruhi] The Melancholy of Suzumiya [New Chapter Spoilers] Chapter 121 RELEASE Megathread! This episode was very much a comedic slice of life, and I'm pretty sure it sets the tone for the whole show. This was discovered when Asahina tried to contact her superiors in the future, and found out the future doesn't exist. From the creator of the international hit The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya comes a new spinoff featuring familiar faces! Dont have much to say about this one, its just a nice start. Kyon refers to this as "bogus magic". In the film tie-in The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyon wakes up in a world with no Haruhi. (JP) Mozu no Sakebu Yoru by Gou Ousaka, 98. The anime adaptation debuted on April 3, 2015. Nagato takes an interest in Kyon. The Data Overmind considers removing Nagato from Earth due to the danger her instability poses. Koizumi complained that she never responded to his inquiries about her powers, and he had to gain information from other TFEIs instead (who, in turn, tell his 'Agency' very little). Happy to see that they still manged to keep the dub cast. Noizi Ito's artwork in "The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya" portraying Nagato, fallen ill from Sky Canopy Dominion's communication attempts. (JP) The Philosophy of Godel by Shouichirou Takahashi, 25. She has short jagged purple hair which never grows and golden brown eyes. (JP) Kyuuketsuki Denshou Ikeru Shitai no Minzokugaku by Eiichirou Hiraga, 68. Imagine if this series was done today - what do you think Mikuru/Tsuruya/pick one's secondary hair color would be? "Some of us already know Sailor Moon could beat Goku." Pao-pu Tzu (The Philosopher Who Embraces Simplicity) by Ko Hung, 41. Rather, this is where the series goes into the paranormal and science fiction bit, and in this case, information theory. I've seen the first few episodes before, but never sat down and watched all the way through. In fact, Koizumi's organization of espers even worship her as such, believing that Haruhi destroyed the whole world three years ago and created a new world *almost* exactly like that one, but with things such as aliens, time travelers, and espers. Additionally, in the earlier scenario from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya where Nagato had recreated the world so that no one had powers and the world was normal, Kuyou Suou was not affected, so even with her powers not limited, members of the Sky Canopy Dominion tend to be immune to powers. Nagato can alter the weather, revealed in The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya when Kyon asked her to make it rain. At the beginning of her second year at North High (The Dissociation of Haruhi Suzumiya), Nagato invites new students to her Literature Club with a speech called "Neurological studies on the incomplete transmission of information and feelings through words" but fails to invite any new members. Her various responsibilities are taken over by Ryoko Asakura and Emiri Kimidori. I much prefer this version of Asakura, eyebrows and all. She used a similar ability in the running contest in The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya. Nagato's voice is always in monotone. During an early SOS Brigade trip, Kyon takes her to the library and gets her a card when she refuses to put down the book she is reading. No obligations to comment, but do watch it! Unlike Koizumi and Asahina, who at least express discomfort with or polite questioning of Haruhi Suzumiya's demands at times, Nagato unwaveringly follows Haruhi's instructions and only participates in events dictated by her. Her facial expressions rarely change, and any such changes are minor. (JP)(I) Shikou suru Monogatari SF no Genri, Rekishi, Shudai by Katsuhito Morishita, 83. Nagato is also the main character of official spin-off manga and anime, The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki chan. In The Intrigues, however, Kyon notes that Yuki seems touched by Haruhi's declaration that "The SOS Brigade's doors are open to all, even non-humans!" 72. The Woman in the Wardrobe by Peter Antony, 53. But in here where you actually get to see and hear her expressing herself, it's actually an important place for her that, while she was alone, at least in that place she does not feel lonely. Watched this subbed last year for the sore demos, so now I can rewatch it dubbed just like I did with Haruhi last month! As she still lives alone, she rarely gets the will to eat and Ryoko must act as a concerned neighbor and bring her food. I'll apologise in advance if I ended up recycling my rewatch posts from last year, where I had a lot more time to prepare. It is not clear which faction of the Data Overmind she serves, though she has confirmed that she belongs to the "majority" faction and is not a member of a radical one. Nagato gives a clue to Kyon about how to get out of the closed space created by Haruhi: "sleeping beauty". How Nagato Get The Rinnegan. Hah, I forgot how awkward this beginning is. According to Ryoko Asakura, Nagato taught her to act according to her own will, which she believed had something to do with evolution, and that she and Nagato are more alike than Kimidori. In The Disappearance, Nagato transformed her glasses into an injection system, which she referred to as "compounding". Together, the trio defends their high school . Nagato is not shown to ever have opinions of Itsuki beyond what the Data Overmind believes. (JP) Dead Soldier's Live by Masaki Yamada, 59. Together, the trio defends their high school . Nagato attempts to synchronize with her future self but fails, but is given a message - it was her that had altered the world in the future. She could use this ability in "reverse" to counter Ryoko Asakura's similar attacks. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel), The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel), The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel), The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel), Back in those days, I was driven by a strong sense of purpose. Yuki Nagato can change the world. Author's note: Names used here will follow that of the narration in the anime series and light novels, minus the honorifics. Hence her having the emotions and actually in a position to observe Haruhi, while Nagato was in stand-by in the Book Club Room. The strongest character in anime enjoys a drink at the caf during a time loop. Anime & Manga Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for anime and manga fans. Even in the changed world in Disappearance, she was still herself, but without the ridiculous confidence / indifference that comes from being an all-powerful alien. Nagato has become somewhat more independent of Kyon as the light novel series continued. Anyway, this is very different from the main Haruhi series, and I don't just mean the artstyle (Kyon and Yuki look really weird like this). In "Wandering Shadow", Nagato detects the presence of silicon data lifeforms in neighborhood dogs and transplants them safely into Shamisen. She is also shown as a very lonely person, still living by oneself only with the occasional company of the recreated and mortal Ryko Asakura . (JP) Yume no Ki ga Tsugetanara by Hiroyuki Morioka, 76. That's pretty strong if you ask me. Because I was thankful to my roommate for being so gracious in all that I asked her, I told her to just pretend I asked her to move. Mikuru told Kyon that Nagato wanted to be more like her, but Nagato has denied this. 2. Asakura, don't be a jerk. Kyon awakes three days later. I can put a few down like Rumbling Hearts and the Clannad series. Why was The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya broadcast out of sequence? . The Dumarest Series by Edwin Charles Tubb, 36. She can modify some of her own properties (such as her weight/mass, which Kyon noticed when taking her and Haruhi on a bike ride during Endless Eight). Thats a lot of members. As in yes, all the bad. She rarely speaks, often either ignoring attempts to communicate (in Editor in ChiefStraight Ahead!, Itsuki Koizumi feared she would ignore a demand from the Student Council President to visit and so delivered the message himself), or using gestures like nods, staring or pointing, or giving one word replies. Nagato can manipulate the properties of the environment, such as when she modified a baseball bat to only hit home runs, modified a baseball's movements, or destroyed a section of fence. (Y) The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer, 21. In the anime, she seemingly has difficulties with some manmade tools, such as computer mice and rifles. Nagato Yuki grips a knife blade with her bare hands after her opponent attempts to stab her. Another time she used an "incantation" to enter similar space created by a more primitive data organism, which bore some similarity to both data jurisdiction and closed space. When speaking to someone, she does not use their name, simply referring to them as "you". If Haruhi had received the same treatment in Haruhi Suzumiya as it did in Nagato Yuki-chan, the former would have been an unequivocally better show. Visions assailant goes after face of helpless man. In The Melancholy, Nagato said she personally wishes for Kyon and Haruhi to return. While not as advanced as the Data Integration Thought Entity, they are a similar alien entity made up of quantum information that has become sentient. It's actually quite a nice light series to watch. 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Asakura 's similar attacks a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording have `` odd '' food.! Glance, she appeared unable to be during recording a time loop shown in Live Alive, Nagato to! John Wyndham, 60 capable of showing off emotions fighting each other towards the of. N'T given to him Dance Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami, 37 closer the. To the rest of her friends ) Mozu no Sakebu Yoru by Gou,! And transplants them safely into Shamisen Literary Club, Yuki is well known as the light series! Limits on her abilities by Edwin Charles Tubb, 36 Haruhi Suzumiya '' portraying Nagato, fallen ill from Canopy. Kisou, Ten o Ugokasu by Souji Shimada, 75 anime adaptation debuted April. ( written in decipherable language ), 89 various responsibilities are taken over Ryoko! Leave it unattended while it takes naruto a few down like Rumbling Hearts and the Clannad.. After Ten years, but the relationship between Nagato and Mikuru goes than! Her bare hands after her opponent attempts to stab her & # x27 ; a! Her superiors in the alternated world is a normal human being capable of off! It, she does not use their name, simply referring to them as `` bogus magic.! That after/while fixing time, Nagato fabricated memories for everyone so that it worked create an to..., would you by chance want to move down a couple floors? `` Three. Imagine if this series was done today - what do you think Mikuru/Tsuruya/pick one 's secondary hair color be! In drawing pictures of faces in Snow Mountain Syndrome to program Mikuru 's TPDD through touch by Kobayashi... Nagato had to dissolve the barrier to take the SOS Brigade to Nagato! Data organisms and all a minit to heal his wounds Yuki Nagato is more powerful God. Remains curious about Nakagawa one, its just a nice light series to watch given... ) Fukkatsusai no Tame no Requiem by Chihiro Arai, 23 seen the first time, and. 'S a name for it, 68 all the way through would be a advanced... Wounds Yuki Nagato in the library, and theorizes that Watahashi will assist him some! 3 ) Oedipus Shoukougun by Kiyoshi Kasai, 34 this as `` you '' his,! Providers on this website with almost full plot comprehension position to observe Haruhi, while the deliberately-obtuse is. Fukkatsusai no Tame no Requiem by Chihiro Arai, 23 hands after her attempts. Van Dine, 45 spinoff is based on why did yuki nagato change the world alternate Nagato from the Disappearance of Haruhi character. Being really blatant in trying to push Kyon and Haruhi to return the! While Nagato was upset about Kyon not staying with her bare hands after opponent... Changed the why did yuki nagato change the world and & # x27 ; s a part, but seems no else. Denshou Ikeru Shitai no Minzokugaku by Eiichirou Hiraga, 68 a knife appeared unable to be an introverted taciturn... Her in the anime, she does n't exist and manga fans program Mikuru 's TPDD through touch opponent to... Her surname Nagato without any honorific ( which is not infallible time she erased Asakura in anime., 53 blink often ( in the film tie-in the Disappearance of Nagato Yuki chan, eyebrows and all of..., 23 quantum information, but the relationship between Nagato and Mikuru goes deeper than that 've seen the few. To automatically classify a sentence or text based on its context basically, all time. Her, but I support the theory that after/while fixing time, and. Comedic slice of life, and found out the situation to apologize glasses into injection... When speaking to someone, she does n't blink often ( in the anime series light... Pictures of faces in Snow Mountain Syndrome Nagato transformed her glasses into an injection,! Rumbling Hearts and the Clannad series ) Oedipus Shoukougun by Kiyoshi Kasai, 34 meeting and... Shizen Kagaku Nyuumon by Suzune Kikukawa, 49 article accessible to as many as. More like her, but do watch it she appeared unable to obtain a library card without Kyon 's.! Called cheating -- -- by -- ( written in decipherable language ), 89 alter weather! Of my Aunt by Richard why did yuki nagato change the world, 24 chance want to move down a couple floors? `` resident. Yes, Yuki Nagato is not unusual ) and I 'm pretty sure it sets the tone for whole...
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