The art of ancient Persia includes architecture, painting, weaving, pottery, calligraphy, metalworking and sculpture from the early kingdom of Iran in southwest Asia. It was a refined language used for creating poetry and literature, but not one that everyday Turks could understand. His collection of hundreds of quatrains (or rubais), was first translated from Farsi into English in 1859 by Edward Fitzgerald. Tiles are used in two different ways for art. His works have been translated into more than twenty languages. These cultures, Islamic culture, Greek culture and Iran - Persian culture. Persia and Central Asia became a heartland of Persianate language and culture. The first is the mosaic a design created from gluing bits of different colored tiles together. Starting from the 1950s, isolation from the rest of the world started to diminish, leading to Turkish architects being increasingly inspired by their counterparts in the rest of the world. Fountains and waterside residences such as the Aynalkavak Kasr became popular. Persians now had a choice, they could accept a new culture, including nationality, language (Arabic) and religion (Islam), or they could hold tight to the unique attributes making up their Persian identities. Safavids erected grand mosques and built elegant gardens, collected books (one Safavid ruler had a library of 3,000 volumes) and patronized whole academies. [2] The great jurist and theologian al-Ghazali proposed a synthesis of Sufism and sharia that became a basis of a richer Islamic theology. A series of radical reforms soon followed, central to these reforms were the belief that Turkish society would have to Westernize itself both politically and culturally in order to modernize. The Sogdians, international merchants of long standing with numerous trading colonies along the silk route, needed the military power of the Turks. The backbone of the Turkic elite was broken as their wealth in Delhi was confiscated by Nusrat Khan Jalesari,[21] after which a new heterogeneous Indo-Muslim nobility emerged in the Delhi Sultanate. 429-444. Robert L. Canfield, Turko-Persia in historical perspective, Cambridge University Press, 1991. pg 20. 7, No. The Shahnameh or The Book of Kings is a long epic poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi which is the national epic of Great Persia. The reaction was immediate and polarized: most of the academic establishment and older poets vilified them, while much of the Turkish population embraced them wholeheartedly. The documentary has been produced in six 20-minute episodes by Iranian filmmaker Gholamreza Siami for IRIB's international TV network Sahar. Farsi, the official language of Iran, is historically one of the most prominent languages of the Middle East and extended regions. The Shu'ubiyah Controversy and the Social History of Early Islamic Iran. The crowning literary achievement in the early New Persian language, the Book of Kings of Ferdowsi, presented to the court of Mahmud of Ghazni (9981030), was more than a literary achievement; it was a kind of Iranian nationalistic memoir, Ferdowsi galvanized Persian nationalistic sentiments by invoking pre-Islamic Persian heroic imagery. [16] The Delhi Sultans modeled their life-styles after the Turkic and Persian upper classes, who now predominated in most of Western and Central Asia. [30] The imposition of European influences on Asia greatly affected political and economic affairs throughout the region where Persianate culture had once been patronized by Turkic rulers. Pair their luxurious aesthetic with the impressive history of the rug-making tradition, and these sumptuous textiles become even more tantalizing as they reflect an aspect of Middle Eastern culture that dates back millennia. [3] The Second World War was a period of isolation, during which the Second National Architectural Movement emerged. [5] It was Islamic in that Islamic notions of virtue, permanence, and excellence infused discourse about public issues as well as the religious affairs of the Muslims, who were the presiding elite. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia! In the Kara-Khanid Khanate formed an ethnically and dogmatically diverse society. Attars poetry inspired Rumi and many other Sufi poets. As the broad cultural region remained politically divided, the sharp antagonisms between empires stimulated appearance of variations of Turco-Persian culture. [8], The Samanids began recording their court affairs in Arabic and in this language, and they used it as the main public idiom. Thus, alongside the rise of the ulama, there was a corresponding rise in the political importance of the religious leaders of other doctrinal communities. It is divided into three partsthe mythical, heroic, and historical ages. 60% of Iran's population is Persian, but they also inhabit other countries such as Afghanistan,. The rise of Turks in Samanid times brought a loss of Samanid southern territories to one of their Mamluks, who were governing on their behalf. It was managed by bureaucrats and ulama who used both Persian and Arabic, its literati participated in both the Arabic and Persian traditions of high culture of the wider Islamicate world. ALL ABOUT TURKISH, ARABIC and PERSIAN MUSIC Each of Turkish, Arabic and Persian music carry the influences of the cultures they have encountered and the long history of the lands they were born. Examples of Ottoman architecture of the classical period, aside from Turkey, can also be seen in the Balkans, Hungary, Egypt, Tunisia and Algiers, where mosques, bridges, fountains and schools were built. Cultural affairs were marked by characteristic pattern of language use: New Persian was the language of state affairs and literature; New Persian and Arabic the languages of scholarship; Arabic the language of adjudication; and Turkic the language of the military.[16]. Farid ud-Din Attar was born in Nishapur, in what is today north-east Iran. At the beginning of the fourteenth century the Ottomans rose to predominance in Asia Minor, and developed an empire that subjugated most of the Arab Islamic world as well as south-eastern Europe. The religious authorities of these non-Muslim communities became their spokesmen, just as the ulama were for the Muslim community, they also began overseeing internal communal affairs. Upon the fall of the empire after World War I the Turkish Republic adopted a unitary approach, which leads the different cultures within its borders to mix with each other with the aim of producing a national and cultural identity. Other mainstream sports such as basketball and volleyball are also popular. There are approximately 110 million native speakers of Persian around the world making it one of the world's most spoken languages. In the north, where horticulture is tantamount, the carpets are woven to represent Persian gardens. Ottomans fused various culinary traditions of their realm with influences from Middle Eastern cuisines, along with traditional Turkic elements from Central Asia such as yogurt. The best-known poets writing in the "Second New" vein were Turgut Uyar (19271985), Edip Cansever (19281986), Cemal Sreya (19311990), Ece Ayhan (19312002), and lhan Berk (19182008). The major language in Iran, former Persia, is Farsi. The vast majority of Divan poetry was lyric in nature: either ghazals or qasidas. Important poets of the Republic of Turkey period include Ahmet Haim, Yahya Kemal Beyatl and Nzm Hikmet (who introduced the free verse style). Persian language became the major literary instrument for many poems and religious works. A long Turkish panel of tiles, circa 1650-55, features a hanging lamp at the top. Turkish and Persian rugs represent some of the most striking and elegant examples of weaving available in the market today. There has been a good deal of intermarriage, especially among Sunni Muslims with different ethnic backgrounds. [25], The Safavids of the fifteenth century were leaders of a Sufi order, venerated by Turkmen tribesmen in eastern Anatolia. Turks and Iranians share a common cultural heritage, known as the Turko-Persian tradition, which was a prominent characteristic of the Ghaznavid (977-1186), Seljuk (1037-1194), Sultanate of Rum (1077-1307), Ottoman (1299-1923), Timurid (1370-1507), Kara Koyunlu (1374-1468), Ak Koyunlu (1378-1501), and Safavid (1501-1736) Empires. [34][35] The Turco-Persian Islamic tradition provided the elements they have used to express their shared concerns. [16], In Mongol and Timurid times the predominant influences on Turco-Persian culture were imposed from Central Asia, and in this period Turco-Persian culture became sharply distinguishable from the Arabic Islamic world to the west, the dividing zone fell along Euphrates. These diverse peoples found refuge in the cities. Behzad is the most famous of Persian miniature painters. Helping to distinguish between. The Ottoman Empire indeed created a vast array of technical specialities. This period witnessed three types of mosques: tiered, single-domed and subline-angled mosques. The Boustan is entirely in verse and consists of stories illustrating the standard virtues such as justice, liberality, modesty and contentment. Daniel Pipes: "The Event of Our Era: Former Soviet Muslim Republics Change the Middle East" in Michael Mandelbaum,"Central Asia and the World: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkemenistan and the World", Council on Foreign Relations, pg 79. Berlinale: Berlin Film Festival reaches climax with awards ceremony. Despite the decline of the ak/ozan tradition in the 19th century, it experienced a significant revival in the 20th century thanks to such outstanding figures as Ak Veysel atrolu (18941973), Ak Mahzuni erif (19382002), Neet Erta (19382012), and many others. Masnavi by Rumi is widely recognized as the greatest Sufi poem ever written, and has been called the Quran in Persian. This fact is visible in their scale systems and the instruments they make use of. Excerpt: The Mughas, Persianized Turks who had invaded from Central Asiaand claimed descent from both Timur and Genghis strengthened the Persianate culture of Muslim India. Edirne (Adrianople) was the Ottoman capital between 1365 and 1453, when Istanbul (Constantinople) became the new capital, and it is here that we witness the final stages in the architectural development which culminated in the construction of the great mosques of Istanbul. Persian language became the major literary instrument for many poems and religious works. The Turkish people, or the Turks, are part of the Turkic ethnic group, and are considered to be the most populous among all the Turkic peoples. [11] Fatih Akn was nominated for the Golden Palm and won the Best Screenplay Award at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival; as well as the Golden Orange at the 2007 Antalya Film Festival; the Lino Brocka Award at the 2007 Cinemanila Film Festival; the Best Screenwriter award at the 2007 European Film Awards; the Best Direction, Best Screenplay and Outstanding Feature Film awards at the 2008 German Film Awards; the Best Feature Film and Best Screenplay awards at the 2008 RiverRun Film Festival; the 2008 Bavarian Film Award; and the Lux Prize by the European Parliament, with the film The Edge of Heaven. It is a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages which is a group of the Indo- European languages. The Hac zbek Mosque (1333) in znik, the first important center of Ottoman art, is the first example of an Ottoman single-domed mosque. Persian weaving flourished in the second half of the 15th century during the Safavid Dynasty. [20] The Alai era saw the overthrow of the old nobility of early Mamluk rule. [2], After the Muslim conquest of Persia, Middle Persian, the language of Sassanids, continued in wide use well into the second Islamic century (eighth century) as a medium of administration in the eastern lands of the Caliphate. The inner courtyard and the mosque were inseparable. The confusion between the two ethnicities seems to arise from their shared religion of Islam. In India, the Mughal Empire decayed into warring states. As they gained strength they fostered development of a new Turkish literature alongside the Persian and Arabic literatures that had arisen earlier. The composite Turko-Persian tradition refers to a distinctive culture that arose in the 9th and 10th centuries (AD) in Khorasan and Transoxiana (present-day, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, minor parts of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan). Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan. However they were constrained by the lack of technological infrastructure or insufficient financial resources till the 1980s. Even the second popular Persian calligraphy style i.e. The master architect of the classical period, Mimar Sinan, was born in 1492 in Kayseri and died in Istanbul in the year 1588. The Middle East (Arabic: , ISO 233: ash-Sharq al-Awsat) is a geopolitical region commonly encompassing Arabia (including the Arabian Peninsula and Bahrain), Asia Minor (Asian part of Turkey except Hatay Province), East Thrace (European part of Turkey), Egypt, Iran, the Levant (including Ash-Shm and Cyprus), Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), and the Socotra Archipelago (a . The eastern lands of the Caliphate were ethnically and religiously very diverse. Kara-Khanids established a dominance of ulama in the cities, and the network of recognized Islamic authorities became an alternative social instrument for the maintenance of public order. Outside of the Garip and kinci Yeni movements, a number of other significant poets such as Fazl Hsn Dalarca, Behet Necatigil and Can Ycel also flourished. International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. [8] These three films, along with the other important works of Ceylan such as Kasaba (1997) and Mays sknts (1999) have also won awards at the other major international film festivals; including the Angers European First Film Festival (1997 and 1999), Ankara Film Festival (2000), Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival (1999, 2002 and 2006), Bergamo Film Meeting (2001), Berlin Film Festival (1998), Brothers Manaki Film Festival (2003), Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema (2001), Cannes Film Festival (2003, 2004 and 2006), Chicago Film Festival (2003), Cinemanila Film Festival (2003), European Film Awards (2000), Istanbul Film Festival (1998, 2000, 2003 and 2007), Mexico City Film Festival (2004), Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival (2003), San Sebastin Film Festival (2003), Singapore Film Festival (2001), Sofia Film Festival (2004), Tokyo Film Festival (1998) and the Trieste Film Festival (2004).[8]. The 'folk poetry' as indicated above, was strongly influenced by the Islamic Sunni and Shi'a traditions. His influence in the lives of Persian speakers can be found in Hafez readings and the frequent use of his poems in Persian traditional music, visual art, and Persian calligraphy. As Shahrokh Meskoob quoted, Identity is a reactive matter and attention to self becomes more meaningful in relation to others.. Thus, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries the territories from south-eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor to East Bengal were dominated by Turco-Persian dynasties. The Mughals, Persianized Turks who had invaded India from Central Asia and claimed descent from both Timur and Genghis Khan, strengthened the Persianate culture of Muslim India. One favorite is Norooz, a celebration of the Iranian New Year taking place on the Spring Equinox. Turkic political ascendancy in the Samanid period in the tenth and eleventh centuries resulted in the fall of Samanid ruling institution to its Turkic generals; and in a rise of Turkic pastoralists in the countryside. The name Attar means herbalist or druggist, which was his profession. As the three ethnic groups ruled once an empire at their time in. The major language in Iran, former Persia, is Farsi. Persian Miniature Painting and its Influence on the Art of Turkey and India. But Khayyam is best known for his work as a poet. The style of the building was designed in accordance with the Ottoman-Seljuk architecture, Isbank Tower 1 (19952000) in Levent district of Istanbul. Zoroastrianism, while having a small following, is still in practice today and many Iranian festivals still center around the Zoroastrian calendar. The Ottoman system was a multi-ethnic state that enabled people within it not to mix with each other and thereby retain separate ethnic and religious identities within the empire (albeit with a dominant Turkish and Southern European ruling class). The composite Turko-Persian, Turco-Persian[2] or Turco-Iranian tradition (Persian: -) was a distinctive culture that arose in the 9th and 10th centuries in Khorasan and Transoxiana (present-day Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, minor parts of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan). It has an important position among the various decorative arts in Iranian architecture. Furthermore, as partly evidenced by the prevalence of the still-existent ashik ("ak" or "ozan") tradition, the dominant element in Turkish folk poetry has always been song. [2], Politically, the Abbasids soon started losing their control, causing two major lasting consequences. Under Ghaznavids poets and scholars from Kashgar, Bukhara, Samarkand, Baghdad, Nishapur, and Ghazni congregated in Lahore. Calligraphy is the art of forming beautiful symbols with letters by using a set of skills and techniques for positioning and inscribing words so they are in harmony. My Turkish etymological dictionary gives again the following pronunciations (using Turkish phonetical spelling, which tends to be different from other transcriptions in Latin letters): the Akkadian as tinru, the Aramaic tanr, the Hebrew tennr, the Persian both tanr and tandr, the Arabic tanr, the Turkish tandr, the Hindustani tandri. With the declaration of the Turkish Republic in 1923, Turkish literature became interested in folkloric styles. The Islamic resurgence has been less a renewal of faith and dedication than a public resurfacing of perspectives and ideals previously relegated to less public, informal relations under the impact of European secular influences. The film provides clues as to [] In June 2004, Mehmet Okur won the 2004 NBA Championship with the Detroit Pistons, becoming the first Turkish player to win an NBA title. The cities of Ardabil, Tabriz, Kashan, and Isfahan are the chief producers of Persian carpets. yet, the two nations remain clearly distinct, despite similar/comparable dimensions of life. Counties will have lowered popular opinion with their direct Liege if they belong to a different culture and especially heritage. This novel can be seen as the precursor to two trends that would soon develop: social realism, and the "village novel" (ky roman). Turkish cuisine inherited its Ottoman heritage which could be described as a fusion and refinement of Turkic and Persian cuisines. His other works are: Diwan, Asrar Nameh, Musibat Nameh, Elahi Nameh, Jawaher Nameh and Sharh ul Ghalb. Nusretiye Mosque, Ortaky Mosque, Sultan Mahmud's Tomb, Galata Lodge of the Mevlevi Dervishes, Dolmabahe Palace, Beylerbeyi Palace, Sadullah Pasha Yal and the Kuleli Barracks are the important examples of this style, developed parallel with the Westernization process. Shahnameh is the worlds longest epic poem written by a single poet. Most classical period designs used the Byzantine architecture of the neighboring Balkans as its base, and from there, ethnic elements were added, creating a different architectural style. International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol. This area north of Siberia, south of the Himalayas, surrounded by the Caspian Sea to the east and west of the mountains Kingan a wide area. In Tabriz, for instance, many of the rugs are made for prayer and contain a centralized medallion of sorts. 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