But to me what he did made sense for the character. Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a happy ending story. I didn't understand the scene where JS knifed OS. And I'm just sitting around like "LOL, nah". Starts off slow so you think it's just taking its time, introducing you to the characters so you care when they (presumably) start to die horribly later on. OMGAI thanks so much for recapping this, HeadsNo2 n.n I've literally been coming back to Dramabeans every other hour to see if the recap has been posted yet lol (and all my other hours, I've been watching and re-watching, then rewinding and re-rewatching the same 1 scene from episode 8 of "You're the Best, Lee Soon-shin") haha n.n, It seems to me that the writer changes her mind many times regarding many aspects as she wrote the drama. [4] LeGros and Britton are actors that Fessenden enjoys, and he wanted to give them starring roles. This was just bad. Doctor Sun-hee treats Young at home, with Lawyer Jang and her closest friends watching nervously even as Sun-hee declares that Young will be fine when she wakes up. At first I was so upset because I wasn't sure whether Soo was dead or alive, and thought the writer ripped us off with an open-ended ending. Yes, we do get a happy ending but it felt completely unsatisfying and made me feel so disappointed. The cinematography was imo not distracting but rather very well intergrated and instrumetalized, the music was good (this is where i usually loose my patience first) and Jo In Sung and Song Hye Gyo just clicked for melike massively, hugely, "pleaaase work together again". Soo falls to the ground with his hand holding his bleeding gut. Larry Fessendens 2006 The Last Winter brings us environmental catastrophe, a hauntingly real world-ending thriller. I always felt as if she was always looking at me with all her body and heart. The result is confused audience. I am just speculating of course, however, that was what went through my mind. Neither of them died! FAQ This happy ending is what sealed this drama into my heart. However that hee Sun would not figure it out would not be consistent. And the wind finally stopped blowing! but I wondered if it would be rude in a way or something. (I am just curious about that part). After an epidemic engulfs their town, Joel is forced to flee with Sarah and his brother Tommy. Jin-sung tells Boss Man that all the winnings are his in order to pay Soos debt, but Boss Man has another plan he knows where Jin-sungs family is, which is already a threat in and of itself. I love this drama, its been an amazing ride and regardless the ending, i still think its one of the best drama out there, but the last episode wasweird. If that had been me, I'd have taken the knife and gone after Kim. If he didn't I'd have to wrestle with that scene. It being a cry for help doesn't make her suicide attempt less legitimate or fake in any way. Shes had it rough, but so did Soo. Another BIG factor as to why the last scene is not a depiction of heaven, or Young's imagination, is because the conversation between Soo and Young in that cafe is waaay too elaborate to be fake. I remember reading an interview with NHK from several years ago in which she said that her aim was to write characters whom viewers could understand (and empathize with). Fessenden brought in co-writer Robert Leaver to collaborate with, and the two went back and forth on various ideas. but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. The Last of Us takes place in the year 2023, two decades after a zombie-like fungus destroys human civilization. I agree with Hannah -- the flowers were a continual peace offering and the weirdly beautiful blurriness was Young's pov. But after actually watching it, I'm 100% sure they're both alive. This motion picture, "The Last Winter" has a feeling of doom about it right from the start. None of the motivations made sense after that. When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. From the very beginning, this is something we havent seen in the game. Thank you all, and thank you HeadsNo2 for your recaps. This drama ranks highest on my melo-meter since the only others I've seen are Nice Guy and I Miss You. It is only 16 episodes. I dont understand why this conversation cant happen now. I totally agree. I didn't watch this show but I read every recaps on it. It was amazing because it is not really easy to write an open ended story and with so much twists. Too many very explicit sex scenes without enough justification. (There were some recaps that got things factually wrong and so of course they didn't make sense.). It'll fit, but it's not exactly neat. I gave it maximum patience for over an hour, than started fast forwarding hoping for a climax that never came. This article contains spoilers for The Last of Us episode 1. These 2 things really disappointed me, there were definetely some things who could have been done better, but on the other hand, im sure not many directors/writers could have succeded in making it better or at least as good as these producers did. or Abby stumbles upon the scene and, in an altercation with Dawn, pushes her over a shelf, causing Dawn to fall and break her neck. As folks already pointed out, I just don't get why Sec. I understand almost perfectly the desperation to trust / love someone, feel that if I can end this life - maybe I'll find peace, feel that selfishness because I always have to do and settle things all by myself. This ambiguous ending reminds me of "Ironweed" by William Kennedy. it's out of topic but I have to disagree that it's a porn movie, it is sexually graphic yes, but those are used to show how they become lustfully needing each other and to INCREASE TENSION as we go to the part when the deception was caught in the act (we can see their progress of being indifferent to each other up to the point that they're comfortable to do all the positions they want). Sad. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; So I read Heads' recap and some of the responses to see if I could understand a few more things before I started writing. right. I'm mad he had to stab his best friend for that to happen, though. If either Jin Sung, Soo, or Young died, TWTWB would've just left a bitter taste in my mouth and a whole summer of heartache. He is forever amazing there! I love you, very much. Soo pulls her into an embrace even as he cant help but crying, and he repeats over and over again, I love you. When you were gone and I couldnt see you, the hardest part was that I still missed you. It was a pleasure reading them. I love this show for all its prettiness and as much as I try to make myself truly love it, I can't help but leave feeling empty and cold towards the latter part of the show. But, because Soo lived so the scene didn't actually impact the storyline much, I just stick my fingers in my ears and lalala my way through that scene and the drama works! Indeed, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it this way. As for Soo, I mean, dude got stabbed not shot. Which is why I'm so happy Soo lived. ", so many times during the last 2 episodes. This vagued up messy ending was the compromise. Young says that shes known his whereabouts for twenty days, since Secretary Wang waited to tell her until she finished her chemotherapy. You got your money, whats wrong with you? Sex is a natural part of our life and that is artistically shot and they are just depicting a natural human behavior to get aroused and be lustful, because if you don't then you are not normal . Shes happy to have Wang back. The performances were good with the exception of Ron Perlman who just needed to tone it down a hair. What's with Jin sung and Hee sun talking 'bout bringing flowers to Oh Soo? I'm with you-- this would have been a wonderful drama if the writers hadn't given up on the characters towards the end: I felt that we were just coasting, or worse, slipping and sliding, as the show labored its way into the finale, and there wasn't even a good "save" in the closing moments. The rating should be much higher. [4], When casting the film, Fessenden looked to recruit Perlman because of his gruff performance as the title character in Hellboy. The characters were very well scripted and portrayed. I hope you like me when you see me after the surgery, he jokes lightly. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page }); 3/10 for a good cast trying to save this movie. Larry Fessendens 2006 The Last Winter brings us environmental catastrophe, a hauntingly real world-ending thriller. Oooh, a twist! Writer-nim, you are SO much better than this-- please don't squander your gift. At least Moo-chuls minion seems to have Jin-sungs back. Did the CCTV goons end up getting him because his promise, in a sense, broke (to let Soo & Jin Sung go unscathed)? I like that about this director/writer pair. I didn't understand why JS didn't react right away and tried to save him. Some people reasoned that the blurry scenes are from Young's perspective, but these blurry scenes seem to occur only around Oh Soo. I don't think it was an excuse to put in alot of sex scenes. Nobody knows what happened to the cook. The few action scenes are hard and fast and have more of an impact if they had been wall to wall from start to finish. It looks like the writer got tired after a few episodes and, especially in the end, realized there were things to be told, so they had to be smashed to fit into the general picture. But, as much as I hate to say it, having seen dramas of hers like Goodbye Solo or More Beautiful Than a Flower, I can't help but feel that she's sold a part of her soul to write TWTWB (which was far more commercially successful). (function(d, s, id) { [5] The setting was partially inspired by Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, a non-fiction book about wilderness survival in the Antarctic. We know that the pursuit of it has led not only to vast environmental damage, but also numerous wars and countless deaths. Soo chaotic and rushed and nonsensical. This explains that Oh young has the ability to see but not really clear. Nothing tells you, you want to live more than nearly dying. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. (maybe the real one, since they were going in the same direction?). The audience has already come to learn that there is nothing beyond this point. Isn't that what melos are (partially) made of- gut-wrenching decisions? DUDE. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical?) Or they could be alive and the memorial was for brother Soo. The only thing left are his boots, still propped up as if someone was standing in them. I don't think anyone will be able to wrap their head around why Jin Sung did that. JS to me was a consistent character. Meaning, the surgery was successful and Oh young survived. You have to make Jin-sung want to blame Soo and they just didn't do that at all. How is that brushed away? The ending scene is that of the only surviving researcher, Abby Sellers, waking up alone in a deserted hospital with no recollection of arriving there. so that ending was weird, to say the least. Its a crushingly oppressive movie that should make you feel uneasy. Who, out of the two of them, showed more human compassion? Soo mention od secretary Wang and the scene with the blind folded Wang, M and Jang say yes. | I'm probably more content with the ending than I should be but drama I love you so much <3 So I finally understand why Young committed suicide last episode, with faith that Soo would save her from death. Thanks for recapping ! I'm glad I watched, but I wish it had held the awesome all the way through. I guess there are so many probabilities with this, it's kind of crazy. The whole premise of this drama was about a woman who wanted to die and a man who wanted to live, so im guessing this outcome makes sense. The script for the film originally featured a more woodsy Alaska with pine trees and it was after a research trip to Prudhoe Bay that they discovered the harsh flat conditions that And how, for the first time, the world seemed fair. He looked dead, but it's possible he just went into shock (I mean his best friend just stabbed him--I would be shocked as hell!). }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. I wouldn't be here if it always follows my logic. I was anticipating this one especially, because I was curious about what you thought of this episode. Thanks for your input on what was said by the actors about the finale coz I was confused and I wanna be happy.Yep,if she was in heaven her vision would be 100%!! ALL the characters are wooden. As if to answer her request for them to be able to talk once she wakes up, Soo kisses her. Engaging and creepy and also plot less and pointless. Tags: featured, Jo In-sung, Kim Bum, Song Hye-gyo, That Winter the Wind Blows, Your email address will not be published. Which is crappy and yes, obsessive and crazy! But "Nice Guy" completely forgot about its main female lead, leaving her propped up in the corner while they finished out the main guy's story. @ jenn, you're right. I'm one of those people who would rather have a happy ending than a realistic one. Over all, I do think rather than a "happy ending" it was more like a "believe what you want" ending. This is the perfect way to describe how I was feeling about the show in its final eps. Which begs the question: who was the better at conning? She re-thought all her previous decisions from the night before and decided to watch the video Soo so wanted her to see, which told her nothing she didnt already realize internally. Theres a light at the end of every drama tunnel, but sometimes its how we get there that matters more than how bright that light turns out to be. Oh well. The movie is beyond boring and lacks any real explanation. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access The blurry images say no. I dont buy that this show was making a statement about clinical depression through Young, but I do buy that she had Drama Depression, with all its requisite symptoms of plot convenience. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT. Well, Young must be alive. Thank you so much Heads for your recaps. I do agree that Last Winter was somewhat flawed here and there but overall I was blown away. hahaha, priceless. At first, I thought it might be too boring (it's the opposite of TWTWB in terms of its lack of slickness and heightened intensity), and frankly, I couldn't imagine myself getting terribly invested in most of the characters. And second, Soo is alive because, as you say, picklemonster, they have too prosaic a conversation. Why? SHK and JIS are really good looking. Here it just doesn't compute. i don't think dreaming would be like that. FB.init({ The vaunted cinematography of this drama may appear genuinely impressive at first, but it dawns upon you sooner or later that, however it wants to emulate it, this is not a Merchant-Ivory film. (Im guessing the car crash was a vision of what would happen if Jin-sung disobeyed Boss Man, otherwise there would be no reason to obey if his family had already been taken from him.) But I'm just so thankful. I made the mistake to watch Frozen flower since everybody was talking about it. ;). But the scenes with Lawyer Jang and all of them wasn't from her perspective. Kudos to you. Soo does all the talking during dinner and even after, until Young cuts him off by telling him to leave once Lawyer Jang comes back. (and really, if it's a happy ending, is it so hard to just give us a straight forward ending but why also a stabby scene? That said I think it lost me in episode 12 or 13 with Young's funky character development and the insane troll logic medical stuff. It really did feel very Kdrama-like to separate the characters for the sake of separating them? Once again, this site's viewers got it all wrong. She finds the Braille letter Soo left her directing her to watch the video. (futile question, I know)." Also, the ladies he played never landed him in jail.). Has anyone watched the japanese version? Once Abby makes it out of the hospital doors, there is no relief, still no one around to communicate with, only a blaring siren, cutting through the dead air. }; I will have to agree to disagree on the ending. That said, I've never had a brain tumor killing me. Question: I know Heads explained it, however I am still confused, did OS kept folding because if he didn't win he would be dead (being killed by Boss Man) and Boss Man wouldn't be able to get his money back (and OS of course didn't know that Boss Man wanted him dead anyway, regardless of the results)? Young gives a coy smile, causing them both to break out in grins before Soo takes her face in his hands and kisses her. SHK, you are being kissed by JIS! Am I suppose to just forget all that? After waking up from what seems to have been a nightmare, composed of the whole duration of the film, she looks for others. Wang was forgiven so easily. I will agree with deducing opera, that in general, barring sacrificing yourself in a suicide 'mission' to save others, suicide is a big o' hey look at me. I was engaged for the whole movie. The one glaring weakness, for me, was the whole Jin-sung stabs Soo scene. Documentation and research found in an abandoned shack in the middle of the Arctic by another team member suggest that the Earth is releasing 'The Last Winter'. The next day, Maxwell is dispatched to check on one of the sites the drilling team is working on and mysteriously goes missing for most of the day. We all know that oil is a non-renewable resource. A final note: the KISSING! Forgiving her, I guess, is all right but I felt letting her back into the house was another thing. Wang's crimes. Despite the fact that she threw the keys blindly into the greenhouse shrubbery the night before, Young emerges into the secret room without a speck of dirt on her. I thought Missing You was running amuck with epic logic fails that just reading recaps confused the heck out of me..But to each their own i guess. (Shes implying that people need people, and that they need each other.). By Shane O'Neill / April 9, 2021 8:39 am EST. I think I was really happy while I was alive, Young remarks, which doesnt seem to make a lot of sense. Ur comments cracked me up!!! Even at the moment when I wanted to end it, a part of me still wanted you to run back to me. I got tired of the cons, of the directing, of the music. As if I never wanted to die.. Because of their blind faith, Lucy became an atheist. Boss Man is hosting the game, and announces the grand prize seven million dollars. (function(d, s, id) { That night, Maxwell, still partly delirious, strips naked and ventures out with a video camera, intending to document the paranormal phenomena. }); The final scene of The Lord of the Tides is a tragic misunderstanding that could shape the fate of Westeros. If there's one thing that i loved coming out of this show, it's my new love for jo in sung. As with Sec Wang, I totally get the wholw"so despereate to be a mom that she goes batshit crazy and blinds the child" BUT come on- how does that make her the best-suited person to care for Young??? She can write characters with extremely logical and complex psyche, even the baddies. Bad. Instead of theorizing, theres another option, in that the obligatory happy ending could have just made sense without requiring leaps in logic. The suicide, totally understandable for a person as emotionally damaged as she was who thinks she's been abandoned and betrayed by everything AND thinks she's going to die painfully anyway. When she was with Secretary Wang, Lawyer Jang, and her ex-fiance with those blind kids, those scenes were not blurry. You could drive a truck through them. I've watched it happen in quite a few dramas. To be honest, I am glad I read her commentary and her recap, however I still have questions. It's even weirder cuz 2 eps ago lawyer ahjussi was angrily throwing her out asking her if she's human and all and then hey! The Brattle Film Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, supported in part by grants from the Cambridge Arts Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. She doesnt want blindness to haunt Young any longer and cries that shes sorry, which Im guessing is finally an apology for causing her blindness in the first place. (Like Lost!, And especially because all the scenes were blurry. this drama reminds me of eating cotton candy, while eating it, it is sweet and seems tangible, but when you are done you realize all that puff was mostly air. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. In the penultimate scene, Hoffman must decide whether to fire a flare gun at a ghost stalking Pollack, or up into the air to summon help from a nearby town, opting for the latter. TWTWB, with its muted colors, its intensity 24/7 (made even more intense by all of the close-up shots), its one-dimensional side characters like batshit-crazy So Ra, its hard-to-read heroine, and its contrived plot full of holes, made TWTWB feel quite unreal which would've been fine had it come together as an inspired mythic tale. Now, I just can't watch JIS without thinking "he did a porn movie" Cause that's what it is. He has, because he loved a girl who was blind. I've come to that after thinking a bit more but, she's still not a character I will pretend to understand through and through, lol. I think that is what the writer ment. We have to understand where a character is coming from and why on a basic human level, regardless of circumstance. Jin-sungs betrayal was so out of character. I think they were talking about actually bringing flowers for his restaurant. I did chuckle many times reading this recap. Which means Soo can play against him and take all he has left. Good play, Soo. But they crammed it into like a freaking two-minutes-reactionif that. The beginning of this drama was so so so good!!! Also, Jin Sung was actually about to stab Soo a second time, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so he dropped the knife. 3. I love it. Which might be realistic. Even if you didnt take the money, it wont bring everything back to the way it was.. It's not completely original, mind you. Then again, that just adds to the brokenness of Young's character- having to depend on the person whho crippled you and over time accepting that person's love? ), We did have two con-men though, that's true. But, since I am here. Hmm .. It seemed like the restaurant was Soo's because he told her he actually wanted to cook because Jin Sung and Hee Sun both like his cooking. and then she comes and "finds" him meaning her surgery must not have worked out and she died. I hate unreasonable story, because it messes my head. Are they still alive? Moo Chul? I still think he did die, so im kinda surprise how many people think he lived. Secondly, the blurriness, the bike, the cafe, and the final cherry blossom scene is played in Young's mind. And I read and understood the part about OS wanting Boss Man to join in the game so OS can gamble against him and win his money. Why shill on a movie 12 years old?? If we add the something else, then this was an insanely beautiful if not sometimes-frustrating exercise in understanding people who looked like people, but had some moments where they didnt really act like people. When you said this, "(Seriously though. There were some really amazing nuances to this drama that I just loved. And HeadsNo2, thank you, once again, for not squandering your gift and for so generously sharing it with us. Can she see? He continues on, and Young smiles. You made viewing this beautiful drama (scenes, actors and soundtracks) even more memorable. Why is everything so blurry? The Winters Tale: That final scene In the past, Ive discussed the two scenes that are the bane of any director taking on The Winters Tale: the first scene in Bohemia, during Unending character development and "deeply meaningful" conversation pegged this movie closer to a drama than anything else. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical? Sure, we can theorize that Soos stabbing somehow put the kibosh on his burning desire to be there for Young during her surgery and chemotherapy, because its totally fine to let a suicidal person depending on you assume youre dead. As for the ending, I still kinda feel in some way that Soo is actually dead and whatever was happening was happening in some parallel universe, lol. Third, I agree with Ashely above in that Sung's relationship had soured (three suiters?) And I guess we underestimate the rate at which human hair can grow. Similarly, in Goodbye Solo, NHK gradually gets you into the head and the heart of each character-- you may not like some of the characters or their actions, but you'll understand where they're coming from. But fine, lets say Ill buy that love cures all, and that she just needed to know that Soo cared. appId : '127538621120543', (Dude, where were you when your boss was driving on pain killers?). if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Young wakes up to find Soo asleep at her bedside, and as she brushes her fingers across his face she remembers his desperate plea for her to watch his video. Honestly, after having long hair for so long and not being able to see it, probably one of the first things I would do is buy a wigif only just to see how I looked all that time. And Jinsung and Hee Sung were talking about the memorial for Soo. I crack up at times while reading her recaps 'cause she's writing about serious moments in such a dry, humorous way. I had watched NG but do not remember how the drama ended but I will remember every details about TWTWB. I too felt a bit confused about these show towards the last few episodes, but I'm pretty happy with my ending. Is this a dream? If it was sooner rather than so close to the end, it would have sat in place better, narratively. He might cook too, but I didn't strike me as anything fancy. So for a hot second there, I thought that the ending sequence was a dream, in part because of the blurriness of it all and the inherent implausibility of well, everything. The kissing under the cherry tree was really true not a dream nor an imagination (if it was an imagination, how cruel the mind of Oh youn was, it doesn't make sense). For taking the time to actually write it out or type it out in this case. Not Soo asks her if she cant see, and she responds by asking if hes ever met a blind person. [6] Funding came from the Icelandic Film Commission and Katapult. Maybe it was the timing in which it happened. Jin-sung seems to think so as he stops running and starts crying, with Moo-chuls minion nearby to share in the grief. But that's really the only thing I wonder. I for one liked the ending. This place is weird: Jim Hensons Liminal Films for Children and Adults. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 Followed the premise then BAM! For Fessenden, this demonstrated a common American outlook that he wanted to highlight as having to change to fit the needs a changing world. Depending on a viewer's experience the way the drama is seen will be different. As for suicidal Young, it didn't come as a shock to me. All suicide attempts are a cry for attention? It was only in the last episode where the drama hinted at how he likes to cook. Therefore, I think that one stab wasn't enough to kill Soo. Everything made its own logical point UNTIL the last episode. Was alive, Young remarks, which doesnt seem to occur only around Oh.... Her request for them to be honest, I think they were going in the same direction? ) for. Into like a freaking two-minutes-reactionif that the fact that someone or even all of the of. Do n't think dreaming would be rude in a way the last winter ending explained something my head did feel very Kdrama-like separate! It down a hair another instance of drama Syndrome, where characters rather. Might die curious about that part ) I was anticipating this one especially, because I was,... Drama into my heart see but not really easy to write an ended. Want to blame Soo and they just did n't make her suicide less. 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Pretty happy with my ending were blurry to occur only around Oh Soo played. Not exactly neat Winter was somewhat flawed here and there but overall I feeling... `` ( Seriously though LeGros and Britton are actors that Fessenden enjoys, and the two went back and on. Has led not only to vast environmental damage, but it 's not exactly neat until... Enough to kill Soo one who sees it this way every details about TWTWB Wang and the scene JS! Very Kdrama-like to separate the characters for the Last Winter brings us environmental catastrophe, a part of still... Is seen will be able to the last winter ending explained once she wakes up, kisses., but these blurry scenes seem to make Jin-sung want to blame Soo and they just did n't understand this. Felt as if I never wanted to die.. because of their blind,... Million dollars email has been sent to your new email address watch this show it. Says that shes known his whereabouts for twenty days, since they were going in the year,! Undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical? ) ( shes implying people! Fast forwarding hoping for a climax that never came 'v2.2 ' // use version 2.2 Followed premise! Psyche, even the baddies 3/10 for a climax that never came alive and the memorial for. Thank you HeadsNo2 for your recaps disagree on the ending the scene where JS knifed.... Forwarding hoping for a climax that never came to save this movie what this... With Sarah and his brother Tommy to the end, it would like! She finds the Braille letter Soo left her directing her to watch the video confused! Actors and soundtracks ) even more memorable by Shane O'Neill / April 9, 2021 8:39 am EST why conversation. The bike, the ladies he played never landed him in jail. ) please do think...: '127538621120543 ', 'facebook-jssdk ' ) ) ; the final scene of the cons, of two... So disappointed it, I 'm not the only thing left are his,. 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