There is no ugly truth, but hope and that is worth a great deal. Am I breezing through school of course not. I was told that they are considering me for the CFP and MD programs. I am a US immigrant from Philippines at age 11. After practicing law for 20 years, with every single day being a fight, and quite frankly rarely seeing any justice, I have found myself really missing the collaboration of medicine. These factors are critical because if you are in an environment that you hate, it makes it very difficult to focus on studies and to maintain healthy mental health. I know people that started medical school with grades you never thought anyone could get because medical school is hard, and that ended up getting grades I was like how they do that. There has to exist a certain desperation to succeed in Medical school which I did not have. I met with the owner and the dean of the school in Manhattan asking why, I had a 3.5 GPA BY THEIR OWN STANDARDS and they would not let me sit for the exam. Hi James~ Opinion of clinical rotation opportunities at Norwegian Chicago Hospital vs Hospitals in NY for residency placement? He is one of the best (if not the best) medical student in his clinical rotations out of almost 100 medical students at a well-known US medical teaching ccenter. Do what you have to do. Find out more here. This is actually beneficial for those living off campus. Currently in the U.S. there lots of DO schools springing up left and right, and most of them are for profit. Thanks for sharing. They will not post that on their wonderful brochures! Its accreditation is with NVAO, the accreditation organization of Netherlands and Flanders. My performance dropped, was having depression, I wasnt even given or offered counseling, I left the school for a few months. Volume so big to learn it all in short semesters and hard to retain long term. Thanks Tori. NBME comprehensive first time pass rate (The school requires that you pass this before you can write the USMLE): ~ 8% The majority share holder to the school (Baring private equity) pumped 750million into the school a few years ago in order to expanding student resources, supporting our research and undergraduate programs, adding international capabilities, and enhancing our relationships with hospital and university partners. The only truth to this is the enhancing relationship with hospitals. And by relationships they mean the cycle of money to have sgu students go into their residency programs. Had I not took care of my Taxes, Citizenship standing, I would have been required to pay 10,000USD donation for being an international student and a different tuition rate. Download your copy of the Scholarship Guide to find out which scholarships from around the world could be available to you, and how to apply for them. I had a 4.0 GPA for both my Psychology degrees and it was still hard to get into a good medical school. Think of ways to solve problems and be a good problem solver before you enter medicine and especially abroad in the Caribbean or anywhere where the culture is different. (4) Yes, IMGs from anywhere have to score higher on Step to get the same residency. (It WASin Many ways.) If you did not pass the remedial, then you either had to repeat the entire semester or its over. Please I know you want to atleast sit back and let your MD work for you a little bit and reap rewards of your labor rightfully so.. Dont forget the reason that help you stick to it. I thought Id offer a different perspective from a current M2 SGU student, in response to the points made in this post. After she graduated, she came across an online listing for an I.F.C.O. Financially, I did not have resources to finish in 4 years. Please help! I know sometimes doctors treat someone and they think everything is alright, only to be shocked that person passed away. Instead I chose nursing and just enough non-nursing science classes to earn a BA in biology also. Did clinicals in NYCgot accepted to a University Hospital IM residency in the South and now Im applying for fellowship in a competitive field currently with what one would say are a lot of interviews. I am a current student there. I figured out everything is suck during clinicals. Career Highlights. But wait there is much more! I wish I could recommend SJSM to other med school hopefuls. Meet our administrative and academic teams, Semesters 6-10, rotations and clinical studies. Only recently has an effort been made to redress the inadequate number of slots in US medical school, and whats being done is still not enough. However we will get rid of those soon, while Caribbean schools will keep on going and churning out poorly educated MDs or failing hopefuls. Looking at other people is just a killer. After your commitment (marriage) to medical school or being a physician, things could fall apart. Thats what they used to doI recall getting an email asking me to write something positive on a forum for them about. be in a small town or rural area. event in San Jose, while researching alternatives to medical school. Whats the math on that??? Do you also have children. Most of you will not get the plum specialtiesonly primary care. We all offer you stories, that reflect our good or bad experiences, sometimes we just give you the good stuff or just the bad stuff when writing. You just have to put the hours in and learn it. From my research, students who wish to study medicine but do not get in, oftentimes apply to English-language programs in Poland, Hungary, or Romania to study medicine there (if they can afford it) and then get their degrees validated by the EU as MD-Romania for example. While I did face many difficulties I must say one thing- remember that it is not hard to get into a caribbean medical school. They make it impossible to do any- If thats the case, then the USMLEs are not hard enough and should be re-examined for their difficulty and effectiveness for being used as a gauge to grant would-be Doctors advancement toward becoming licensed to practice. LMU and TU in Munich pool their incoming students and accept an initial class of close to 700, however attrition rates are relatively high. I registered my car the legal way and had it confiscated at one point-MUCH more aggravation than those that registered as tourists, scraped off the stickers in Brownsville and got new ones. In the United States, more and more graduates are choosing specialtiescardiology, radiology, urologyover primary care, which pays less. The programme is not restricted to race or ethnicity research it. I am disappointed in the method that US Medical Schools select their students as I would bet on me against any US medical student out there. If you finish one academic year you should be grateful to God because most of the students cant even finish the first year because of the poor organization and sometimes academic years are extended for no reason.Currently I am studying biochemistry in the US and I dont want my parents to spend so much money in my medical studies in the US while my younger brothers and sisters will go to college too. Saba University. No consideration was given to the obstacles that I had to over come just to graduate undergrad, or that I finished top of my class in law school. Hey, could you let me know about the pros and cons of studying at all saints St. Vincent and the grenadines? If you are socially awkward, then medicine is not right for you. I am a Nigerian.i have a child who wants to study in the Caribbean so will love to hear from you. And to actually get kicked out of this school, you have to fail at least 17 units (so like 1 whole semester), and 90% of the class usually pass most of the classes. I have been passionate about studying medicine. Sounds like you went to a school similar Avalon University School of Medicine in Curaao. Be blessed. 4) IMGs [International Medical Graduates] have to score an avg. If you cant handle the environment, try to figure that in term one and leave the school. Research is useful, but its also extremely costly and doesnt really add much to the education of the average physician. Thank you so much. you also can get your ass handed to you even when you dont sleep and just study all the time. After the student moves, the landlord often immediately rents it again, thereby collecting double rent. They dont push themselves with studying. I am Dr Zarqa from Pakistan,My daughter has passed 12th grade and got 74.6% and in Ielts 6.What are requirements for foreign student in uiversity for MBBS.Please guide me,I will be very thankful. Are you okay with not having access to the mall or movie theatres? Would I do it again? It is emotionally trying. As with everything, offshore medical education like that in Caribbean countries is not a monolith. I decided to go through the arduous task of preparing my AMAC application and apply to the few schools that did not require all prerequisites within the last 5 years. I am an Army veteran who also graduated from an Ivy League institution. Here is my 2 cents: The goal of this post is to provide prospective medical students with some information that will likely not be volunteered to you by the admissions office of the school. PSA: you are MORE than capable of changing the world as an NP, PA, EMT, etc. Still not as outrageous as what you paid. That is really rally hard program and they give admission to those student who has very high MCAT. Used to study questions pretest, Lange books, and work backwards onto notes. you can ride a jet ski (can anyone frown on a jet ski?!) Have a wonderful day Dr. Wible. We also have a grocery store on campus. That decade saw the peak of US students abroad across the globe but mostly Mexico/Carib, although most were in Guadalajara. Students are used to having brilliant or at least decent professors. The rumor was that the school was planning on setting up a for-profit quiz bank that would make money for the owner of the school. But there are many lectures you have to sit in even though it sucks and you rather study yourself in there in cramped room. Its easier to get in, has a great residency match and USMLE pass rate and is still a fair bit cheaper than your average U.S. school. Each year, more than 100 students are accepted into its MD program as well as over 100 students that participate in its elective programs. There are lots of scholarships and many offer grants as well, Im looking at a $10,000/yr grant for prior military service. I finished at MUA and did my rotations with plenty of Saba students. In the hardest of lessons are the seeds that will be the foundations for the rest of your lives. I think if you have no other option, Caribbeans is not a bad choice. I am fairly sure that no human ever read any of my application. If they did they wouldnt have the demand they do now because if we were given all of the facts, some us would have chosen a field within health care that doesnt require this amount of chance, debt, stress, and moral compromise. Most physician actively work to convince their children its a fools errand. I feel that no one who is truly motivated and belongs in the field of medicine can fail if they have such an attitude. You learn to be kind, so that even the person that you thought hated you picks you up when you are rushing to class. For example, I got a scholarship of about 40K from my school and Im planning to apply to another one soon. That means roughly 60% of the students were rejected. my name is jehan and i need your advice when their experience i got worry special i am with my kids i mean what do you about the area is safety to raise kids Please note that these admissions criteria are subject to change and made at the schools own discretion. I mean. Will anything ever be done about that evil institution? When we unite as a profession to PROTECT one another and not allow our colleagues to fall and be preyed upon we will finally have real health care. Heres the story of one med-school drop-out who founded St. Georges Medical School in Grenada, Charles Modica. There are terrible emotional and financial consequences when informed consent is lacking as these idealistic humanitarians forge ahead off shore toward their medical degrees. Thank you Dr. Wible. I was recently accepted to SJSM in St. Vincent. It was difficult trying to cram all that information from 30 years ago into my head. Hes into football (soccer), learned Spanish after 5 years in Spain, and has had his work published all over the web. Do you look up test questions from books or flashcard sites like brocephalus? DID get it back but it was a Huge hassle. SJSM is pure shit I am student there, they will not help you in any way. My background is similar to yours, post bac, decent 3.3 gpa in in UNdergrad and better GPA in post bac just low MCAT score. (Major Pros & Cons), Is St. Georges A Good Medical School? For those undecided to come to the Caribbean, If you tried to apply to US medical schools and havent been accepted at least twice, I would recommend doing a research about Caribbean schools, talk to your family about your decision and stop stereotyping Caribbean medical schools. Four hundred people (half the class) got an A on the hardest exam in school. I am kind of thinking about applying next year to SGU. All rights reserved. The school initially allowed it and let them move on throughout Med 1 med 4. They would not be allowed to repeat semester 2 because as I had mentioned, the material that was taught in semester 2 was now going to be taught to semester 1 students with the new curriculum in place. I decided to apply to Caribbean Medical Schools. USA residency spots are funded by Medicare if Im not mistaken, so again we see the tax payers subsidizing this cycle. Instead of affecting rent, which couldnt increase enough to cover the losses, this resulted in increased corruption. I saw SJSM as an opportunity but I really could not bare going through it all knowing no one is actually making it to residency and that the school would be closing??? SJSM is way cheaper than Ross, but Ross is amongst the top Carribean Med Schools. My school gave me the opportunity to study medicine, something that US medical schools didnt do for me. However, apparently there is an expiration date to those Bachelor degrees that I worked so hard for and paid so much money for. So many fractured lives and lost dreams. I wont go into every detail, but SGUs Dept of Educational Services offers meets all throughout the week where students can learn the material that is being taught in class, in a smaller setting. If you want it bad enough they give you the opportunity and once again I think I got a great education with study skills that have carried me into residency! In Nigeria, its sad to say that almost every single medical school is like that. Students are not eligible for registration, as the General Medical Council of the UK does not recognize AUC as an accredited medical school because its training was deemed insufficient by their standards (see AUC website, UK Medical Council, Wikipedia etc). Are you real? All of the debt I have incurred. You are not exaggerating? The local population has developed a relationship with the university administration which allows them to use extortion, for example, to keep up to three months deposit from each student that rents, without justification, or to extract other off-lease payments. Fuck the rest, excuses included. I think it is a huge red flag when even some of your professors are telling you that they feel bad that we the students are being put up through all that. Student Mentor. I am 48 years old and not getting any younger. Medical School success is a factor of time allotted, repetition, and efficient studying. Life gave us punches as kids in High School in US. What you dont know is, in graduate school, you need an 80% to keep going, so a 70 should be a walk in the park, if not, you are just not cut out for medical school. As a proud father of a US Caribbean medical school student, I can say that at least this one Caribbean medical school has provided the opportunity for my son to become an excellent doctor equal to anyone including myself (I am a graduate of a US medical school and a board certified specialist). After starting rotations, half of the hospitals they were rotating with when I signed for an apartment said the school nulled their contract and we could no longer rotate with them (Norwegian Hospital, St. Marys and several others). actually several states have BS to MD programs. The rest probably have IQs lower than average (most doctors fall between 108 and 130 and money is getting them through these programs. I apologize for the rent, I tried to make it somewhat objective and not opinionated but Im just a human with anger and disappoint. If you military service or are from certain areas (i.e. They will never be the US. In which court and where? Whether or not the system of selection is fair or not, those who will not let their dream dye, do consider attending a Caribbean med-school a serious option. This is not undergraduate, welcome to the majors. So before applying, you absolutely have to RESEARCH! Wow.. I was wondering if I is true, or they just say that, as I am sure they have plenty of applicants with decent MCAT, why would they consider someone without. We had a series of events that were questionable. If you really need to be a doctor and have the ability to learn, may be the world has a place for you to get that done. Its all about motivation and not falling in with the students who dont take it seriously or who dont put in enough time. I took care of my Filipino citizenship and taxes etc.. and when it came time I wanted to prove something to myself again I flew back to Philippines and worked my tail off getting a high score on the NMAT(MCAT equiv). My hubby is deliberating between AUA (global health track) and SGU. Usually I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I cant stop myself from saying something and giving my best review about it. My advice, from my heart of hearts, and which I can only give in good conscience, is that you absolutely should not attend Saba University School of Medicine. Everything is possible, if being a doctor is your destiny. The problem I have with this is that our school allows students to take on 40K per semester of debt just to dismiss them after 4 or 5 semesters if they fall below an overall GPA below a 75% or having a final grade of below 70% in any one class. The school has registered vendors who are on campus every day selling food and/or fresh produce. Looking back at the school and education. If you decide to study on the islands, save yourself from comparing to the USA except if it something related to getting a good score. I experienced very similarly what David did. Regarding emotional distress, as any medical school, anxiety and depression are the major problems but the suicidal rate is extremely low in this school. Sometimes I laugh at myself chasing the bus that was supposed to come later than came too early, that memory. Please help someone. I went to Noreste in Tampico 30+ years ago. What school if you dont mind sharing. Whatever is the reason, its better for you to ask and do your research about medical schools. even though Im like 3 years late to this party. Many factors have contributed to the dropout rate and the decision not to go to Saba. Since I am unable to get into a US medical school, I am applying to SGU. Many of my old classmates did finish, many are in residency. But it has also taught me much. We also have free shuttles from the school to other places in the town (running frequently, 7 days a week from 7 AM to 2 AM or later). Return from Saba medical school to Medical School Insider. Applicants with college-level science backgrounds and the requisite G.P.A. My cumulative gpa is 3.98, that was with working as a nurses aid. Why not go because, you will get accepted and graduate, but if you want to come back to the US you still have to pass the USMLE 1,2CK AND 2 CS to get certified and be eligible to find a job as an under paid intern. No McAT? Yet many of these new graduates dont have the skills to take care of their patients. AUA also did not have any family support structures in place. Eat healthy, dont overthink about that people did to you if it isnt something that physically hurt you; study and focus. Hello dears, I already feel sorry for the innocent people who will be forced to be seen by a QUACK like you. of 10 points higher on the step than a US med grad for an equal position in the US residency match. Medical School is not that hard if you think about it. I completed med-school at a Caribbean school and scored at or above the US average on all step exams. Please use paragraphs next time. It is impressive what people can accomplish when motivated though but sad. The faculty is diverse. This certificate is very useful in the field of medicine. Amazing. The U.S.-imposed embargo and the dissolution of the Soviet Union led to an increase in the cost of medical supplies; facing a crisis, the Cuban government turned its attention to preventative care, seeking to eliminate much of the need for surgeries and expensive procedures by early detection. thing by the book. Drop out rate is also terrible. When they see the quality of tutelage and mix that with the stress and workload, the second round of students drop out by midterms. cramped, relatively pricey, lacking amenities, laundry cooking etc.. but if you got money you drop the clothes off to a laundromat and eat out at small cafeterias. There is housing for the majority of us, and even if students dont get housing, there are many buildings and houses right outside the school that we can rent. Have faith & please join me. This added with the intense work load and adaptation into the pace of medical school is the third round of students to drop out. I am sorry that you had such a horrible experience. they never reveal the attrition rates and i dont think theyll start anytime soon. So what did the school decide to do, well they decided that they would allow students in semester 1 to move on to the next semester as long as they got a grade higher than 35% overall, but here is the catch, at the end of the second semester you had to get an overall grade of 70% in order to move on to semester 3. Thats all you need to know; it essentially tells you everything. I applied to Ross, AUC, AUA and Saba. It will either make you insecure or prideful. Could you guys give the honest opinions? Having said that, those schools are all for-profit and I think any reasonable person knows this so that is why you will never find a homogeneous bunch at any of these schools. They have campuses located in the US that I am able to attend live lectures at. I will continue my research until something is done about this, In the U.S. school with repeat 40% failing rate would be shut down. Upon reflection research, AUA did not uphold the accreditation standards they were mandated to uphold. In the US and some countries they filter the applicants prior to entry. What did they promise on the way in? We got them to retreat from that My parents made me register my car legally. Gain work experience, shadow, volunteer, and do a masters first to help strengthen your application. Study Good ~ohnodoc~ Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2021 4. Our school placed a random selection of students in a motel 5 miles from campus. The medico legal climate is different today than when I started. But Phil MED is spending fortunes out of pocket cash enrollment not borrowed money. It was hell, and they only cared about the money. The transportation might be horrible when leaving off campus, should you get a car or even be at a school or house where you need to rely on transport. All of the time and sacrifice I made. For the past several years Saba University School of Medicine students have achieved a 100% first-time pass rate on USMLE Step 1 (2021). Many of us miss our families; we missed family celebrations and parties at our best friends house. Whatever happens, there is one thing I know; I been learning to be a doctor and now that I am well, if I could do it again, I would go for it. Couldnt they alert me $200k sooner if they thought I needed to step up my game rather than giving me As? Box 1000Church Street, The Bottom,Saba, Dutch Caribbean, *The Massachusettes address is for Saba's administrative offices. SGU pushes students to maintain above an 80%, because that correlates with ~220 >> the bare minimum that IMGs from SGU should get if they want to match into a non-competitive residency. Provisional CAAM-HP accreditation Yes, we have to work harder to be considered for residency but I prefer to work harder for my dream and become successful in my career than working on something else that does not fulfill my heart. MED5 curriculum requirements has been changing during the semester as we speak. Most students drop out in basic sciences. I want to fill you in on what really goes on behind the scenes at my medical school and maybe you can help inform other students about what happens here before they make a huge mistake. Some who have to apply multiple years or start a new career (i.e. I luckily met you, Dr. Wible, and found out there were options for these feelings and that I was not alone in this process, med school can be hard. I cant believe that adults would allow such for-profit medical schools to continue like this! Thanks for allowing students express their concerns about medical schools. Required GPA for entrance as of 2019 (newly instated): 2.0 on a 4.0 scale Tell the truth on attrition rates at a minimum. Sure, the good Caribbean medical schools you could count on the fingers of one hand, but without them the shortage of physicians in the US would be much worse than it is now. There are pros and cons about attending Caribbean medical schools. Saba Medical School (Saba University School of Medicine) is located in The Bottom, Saba, in the Caribbean.This Caribbean medical school was founded in 1993 and has enrolled about 1500 MD students since that time. Since SJSM is accredited and has students that match, I can say truthfully that if you have everything else going for you that you can make it through and become a doctor. You are going to be hit by a different culture, different environment, may be water that wont run in the morning, sick days, landlords that dont understand your reasoning, noisy neighborhoods unless you are lucky and at a quiet island or area, thieves (there are everywhere even in US) but this time you might be the one to encounter them if life blows them your way. My advice, like the author of the article, is to do something else for a bit. Extreme measures much? If you get dismissed and you feel like you been doing well, look at the world and see if there is anywhere else where you can be taught medicine. lol idk why this just stuck a nerve ? Being awarded a $900K grant from the W.M. How much does it cost for 7 years of medical school? There was no time for me to take it again for this application season. The government office gave us a Bad time with our student visas, to the point where we had to go in and out of the country with tourist passes during our rotation years. None of the facilities are amazing, but you actually can live with a hot plate and microwave without starving. I was willing to fight through everything else even ignore how scary it was to have hurricanes. unfortunately, these students are left with debt and broken hearts. In Grenada, Charles Modica is saba university a good medical school a bit miss our families ; we missed family celebrations and at. 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New Detective Series 2022, Atta Boy Urban Dictionary, Articles I