It comes in eight flavors two of which contain coffee and contains 60 magnesium of caffeine per serving. The human body is about 70 percent water, and it is necessary for every cellular process. For that reason, MiO Vitamins is the healthiest product line of the MiO brand. Personally, after researching all this,Im notthatworried about the safety of sodium benzoate. Pick fruits and vegetables like lemon, apple, cucumbers, or oranges to infuse into your water to give it a natural flavor. If you stick to the portion amounts, you can control how much caffeine you consume from MiO. Is there antifreeze in MiO? Potassium Sorbate - Although this mold inhibitor is regarded as safe, its synthetic composition can lead to allergic reactions, diarrhea, nausea and nutrient loss in food. If you eat or drink other products with natural flavors, youre likely already consuming propylene glycol in many of those cases, too. Studies show moderate intake of caffeine in pregnancy has little risk to your baby. Vitaminwater zero does add in vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12 and vitamin C. B vitamins are heart healthy, support the neurologic system, enhance mood, boost the immune system and aid in the production of red blood cells. Common ingredients include sugars, various flavorings, and artificial colors. Well, what many people dont realize is that electrolytes include basic table salt. Learn more. The MiO brand has four product lines: MiO Vitamins, MiO Original, MiO Sport, and MiO Energy. The more accurate comparison, however, would be between MiO Sport and Gatorade Zero. Here are some recommended alternatives to enhance your water the healthy way: The main concern is: Is MiO Bad for You? 6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of . So, most vegans are okay with consuming these artificial sweeteners and colors. Here is a table comparing MiO Sport to four other drinks with electrolytes and no added sugar. Although this food coloring didnt harm white blood cells right away, scientists discovered that it did damage the cells DNA over time, leading to mutations in those cells. Some people claim that Mio Energy is healthy because it contains vitamins and minerals. MiO Sport has 75 mg of sodium and 35 mg of potassium in each serving (1 squeeze). MiO Fit is designed to replace your sports drink with its extra electrolytes and B vitamins. Moderation is important. Use it within 30 days of opening. Moderation is extremely important. . Although certain people may be more sensitive, sodium benzoate is considered safe, and most people dont go over the acceptable daily intake of 02.27mg per pound (05mg per kg) of body weight. Another preservative used in MiO that is approved by the FDA is sodium benzoate. Its a concentrated liquid that should be diluted with water. It is a powerful antioxidant, supports repair of our tissues and also boosts the immune system. It is made synthetically from derivatives of oil and natural gas. Looking for a warm soup this cold season? Be careful if you have caffeine sensitivity. There is still a debate over the safety of these colors, even though the Food and Drug Administration concluded that these do not cause considerable harm to human health. Nothing can really be a true substitute for water, and even though Mio claims that it has '0 sugar', it still contains artificial sweeteners, which affect your body in a whole host of different ways and have been shown to affect your gut bacteria (as in the study linked to above). But it contains a variety of artificial sweeteners, flavors, and food dyes. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Even a 2% loss in hydration has been found to impact cognition, memory, mood, and reaction time," says Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN. According to the company, the word mio can be translated from Spanish or Italian to mean mine. According to the brand, this represents the power of consumers to make their water whatever they want it to be. MiO is laboratory-created and contains non-calorie sweeteners, so your results may vary (or you'll end up with diarrhea, or headaches, or whatever else folks online conjure up as their symptoms, real or otherwise.) This product should be avoided completely. If you want to lose weight but do not want to give up on flavored beverages like juices and sodas, MiO is a healthy and fun alternative. However, keep in mind that the blood-sugar impact of sucralose may be delayed, as it may affect blood-sugar indirectly, by first altering your gut bacteria. The majority of sucralose is not absorbed by the body, which is why it is considered a non-caloric sweetener, but whatever is absorbed by the body concentrates in the kidneys, liver, and GI (gastrointestinal) tract. Still, research on their safety is ongoing (4, 5). Here's what your tongue is tasting in water and what else affects water's flavor. For those unfamiliar, water enhancers, like Mio, are liquids that can be added to plain ol' water to enhance taste. 12 Things You Should Know.]. I covered similar details in my posts on artificial colors like Red 40. [Related Post:Is Sugar-Free Red Bull Healthy? The FDA considers propylene glycol to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS). Free radicals can harm your cells and raise your chances of developing chronic diseases. MiO doesnotcontain aspartame. Except for MiO Energy products, the majority of MiO water enhancers are caffeine-free. Dissolve honey into your water for a sweet energy boost. Translation: It only has the nutrients vegans areactually low in. MiO is a liquid "water enhancer" made of water, citric acid, sucralose, gum arabic, and sodium citrate. Research suggests that artificial colors cause hyperactivity and behavioral issues in some children. MiO is an extremely concentrated liquid containing some chemical ingredients. Mi" There is no sugar, preservatives, gluten, sodium, or any artificial sweeteners here. However, as is common with food additives, some people are concerned about its safety anyway. Drink naturally sweetened spring water for a sweet taste without the sugar, sweeteners, or calories. NESTLE based the 4.5-star rating on the condition that the consumers use just three teaspoons of Milo with a glass of skim milk. MiO is designed to be added to water and contains zero calories per serving. These three dyes are known to cause an allergic response. Apparently, it alters yourgut bacteriathere, affecting your tolerance to carbs going forward, as well. It is available in a variety of fruit and candy flavors. So you still get cravings forsweets And if youre not careful, youll probably end up eating more calories from something else. Although benefits may be associated, the bad most likely outweighs the good. Category 'D' is typically for things that are more harmful than beneficial. Note that there's a limit to how much B vitamins you can consume daily. Click any of them to skip aheador keep scrolling to read them all: Lets start by actually looking at some MiO ingredients. Water is a healthy choice and satisfies the need for drinking a liquid. SNAP EBT eligible. Sucralose is regarded as safe by health authorities; however, studies have raised doubts on how it may affect your health. (See the sodium sectionaboveon that.). 18 tips for weight loss without counting calories, Is Sugar-Free Red Bull Healthy? Water, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Gum Arabic, Sucralose (Sweetener), Contains Less Than 2% Of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Natural Flavor, Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate, Yellow 6, Sodium Benzoate And Potassium Sorbate (Preservatives), Rosemary Extract (To Protect Flavor). There are a lot of methods to naturally taste water with out including any synthetic sweeteners, colours, or preservatives like these present in MiO. MILO powder contains 0.011-0.024g caffeine/100g MILO i.e. Below, well explore the ingredients, nutrients, and possible side effects of MiO. You can find various artificial colors, associated with hyperactivity, distractibility, carcinogens, numerous allergies, and much moredepending on the specific colors added. No content on this website is intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Most flavors contain the artificial sweeteners acesulfame potassium (Ace-K) and sucralose. You get the same taste, sweetness, and visual appeal as sugary drinks, but with zero calories! Further, a small mouse study suggests that sucralose may be a weak mutagenic. MiO is a liquid water enhancer manufactured by the Kraft Heinz food company (2, 3). 2. Very healthy and numerous health benefits. The MiO Energy product line contains 60 mg of caffeine per serving as well as a blend of taurine, guarana, and ginseng. Use this list to help yourself drink more water, not avoid a new flavor of it . All rights reserved. Studies in the 1970s suggested acesulfame K, One breakdown product of acesulfame Kacetoacetamide, In a study of lactating women, acesulfame K was the artificial sweetener. Its also worth noting that in mice studies, Ace-K increased weight gain in male mice and disrupted the gut microbiome. This is not a concern at usual levels. July 29, 2022 by Becky Henderson. Electrolyte drinks like MiO Sport replenish your bodys salt while sweating and exercising. Watch the free Food for Health Masterclass here. However, it hasmuch more caffeine than Coca-Cola. The third artificial sweetener, Stevia, is labeled on products as naturally sweetened. Nutrition, Ingredients, and Side Effects, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So, that sounds much better to me. The only reason I can imagine someone might say MiO isnt vegan is due toanimal testing. Additionally, it has been connected to improved heart health, weight loss, pain alleviation, a lower risk of cancer, and a lower chance of age-related eye problems. MiO is available in many flavors and is a healthier option to sugary sodas and other sweetened soft drinks. The main goal of MiO is to make water palatable. Further human research is needed to determine if it also has detrimental health effects in humans (8). So, which is worse? If MiO fits your budget and flavor preferences, it may be safe to use regularly. Generally, no. MiO. Its possible. Things rated a 'C+' are typically a bit more on the beneficial side. The small amount of sodium in MiO could actually help your body absorb and retain water a bit better. The three artificial sweeteners within the beverage enhancers posegrave concerns. Another sweetener people sometimes have questions about is xylitol, especially since it is bad for dogs. It comes in eight flavors two of which contain coffee and contains 60 mg of caffeine per serving. The publisher of this content does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any persons applying the information in this educational content. But eventually, I decided Id rather avoid some of its unnatural ingredients. Soda has sugaroften in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. The labeling of the product is deceptive. For instance, MiO Original makes things sweet with a combination of acesulfame potassium and sucralose (Splenda), while Crystal Light Classics contains one of the most common artificial. Acesulfame potassium - Ace-K is a non-nutritive (no calorie) sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than table sugar. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Last medically reviewed on July 19, 2021. Some Internet headlines have caused concern over the idea that MiO contains a strange ingredient also found in antifreeze. Mio is a serious condition and can lead to death. In addition, MiO could be a fantastic substitute if you frequently drink sugary drinks like sodas, juices, and other liquids with lots of natural sweeteners. think some things in Mio might be bad, but there's no conclusive evidence that they are. Fasting decreases insulin levels, triggering a fat-burning state. One MiO product line, MiO Energy, contains caffeine. One of the main reasons people choose zero-calorie drinks like MiO is to lose weight. There have not been any toxic effects seen at levels normally consumed. It has vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega-3and nothing else. Filter out the noise and nurture your inbox with health and wellness advice thats inclusive and rooted in medical expertise. Is the Sodium Benzoate in MiO Vitamins Harmful? Supposedly over 12,000 animals died in the testing of sucralose. The water enhancer is also non-GMO and USDA Certified Organic. It contains no fat or sugar, making it an ideal option for those trying to maintain a healthy health profile. Personally, Id rather drink MiO Sport than Gatorade. If you click a link on this page and buy something, I may receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. In fact, there are many vitamins and minerals that are far more toxic than this substance is purported to be and in much lower ratio's. Originally Posted by Rowyn I think its ridiculous that we eat food in which crap like propylene glycol is considered "okay" in small doses. Is it possible for carbonated water to spark an appetite? MIO is a healthy liquid enhancing product that adds flavor to your water with no added sugar or calories. Copyright 2022 Health Reporter. This means you need only minuscule amounts to sweeten food or drinks (7). This article reviews the research on diet soda and whether it's good or bad for your. Interestingly, the propylene glycol in MiO does not legally need to be listed as an ingredient. When another glass of water sounds too boring to even contemplate, pick a MiO flavor and use it to enhance your water. It is loaded with artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and toxic chemicals. See, Is MiO Healthy? Certain at-risk populations also have a limit of 1,500 mg. You may, for instance, get twice as much caffeine if you add more. Harmful qualities may be associated, but aren't usually serious. Read myfull review of Future Kinds multivitamin here(with 10% discount). Does that defeat the purpose of flavored water? The use of a calorie-free, cost-effective water enhancer like MiO may increase fluid intake and reduce the risk of dehydration in some people. It comes in many flavors with four product lines (2): All options are kosher and vegetarian-friendly. So, is it safe? Things placed into this category are generally (a) neither good nor bad for you, or (b) lack the necessary evidence to reach any conclusions. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labels propylene glycol as a safe preservative, but excessive intake of the ingredient may cause kidney and liver failure. But the study also showed~60%of soft drinks hadsome benzene content. It is functionally the same as drinking water unless you are unable to control your food intake because of a psychological association with the sweet taste. Still, some people have health concerns. However, MiO has artificial sweeteners and artificial colors, which make it controversial for health in its own right. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) says that diet drinks (with sucralose) are acceptable short-term replacements to sugary drinks But they recommend decreasing intake of these drinks over time, and focusing on plain water. Its long-term health consequences remain unknown. Even though MiO water enhancers have no calories, fat, or sugar, they still contain artificial sweeteners like sucralose and acesulfame potassium. Very healthy and numerous health benefits. I found the most credible references toYellow 6being banned in Japan and several European countries. If you're okay with artificial sweeteners and dyes (as the FDA is), then no, it's not bad for you. The other MiO product linesMiO Original, MiO Vitamins, and MiO Energyprovide significantly less electrolytes. Sucralose is not absorbed in the small intestine like normal sugar, so it ends up in the large intestine. Consumers tend to prefer drinks naturally sweetened with stevia leaf extract. Keep in mind, some diet sodas may be worse for you than others. The MiO Energy product line contains 60 mg of caffeine per serving as well as a blend of taurine, guarana, and ginseng. Therefore, some consumers may feel uneasy consuming such sweeteners in large quantities, like having MiO every day. However, both animal and human studies have now shown that sucralose is partially digested and alters blood glucose and insulin (9). It is packaged in a small, 1.52-ounce plastic squeeze bottle and comes in quite a few flavors. This is particularly helpful for people who are trying to get rid of liquid calories, such as Gatorade and soda. Harmful to your health. However, this hasnt been tested directly, to my knowledge. Of course, is mio healthy said Mr. Foster. The use of food dyes in MiO may contribute to the worsening of various health conditions. $6.39. So lets look at the health concerns around the sweeteners in MiOsucralose and acesulfame potassium (also known as acesulfame K). Only one fertility in 1,200 eggs is sufficient to meet our requirements. Of food dyes with Stevia leaf extract 5 ), flavors, youre likely already propylene... So it ends up in the testing of sucralose is xylitol, since... Any disease or health condition how much caffeine you consume from MiO likely. 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